[육아정보] 2023년 달라진 육아정책 총정리

 계속해서 바뀌는 육아정책에 대한 내용을 정리해 봅니다. 직접 육아를 하시는 분들에게 육아정보를 잘 정리해서 공유하는 일이 가치가 있는 일입니다. 육아를 하는 분들은 항상 시간과 체력적인 문제로 잘 정리된 글이 필요하기 때문입니다.  특히 초보엄마와 아빠, 예비 임산부, 임산부들에게 상당히 좋은 정보일 것입니다. 출산율이 1%이하(0.75%)에 이르는 대한민국에서 출산을 장려하기 위해서 나라에서 2023년에 여러 정책들을 수정하여서 발표하였습니다.  임신지원정책 1. 국민행복카드 바우처 제공 2. 산모, 신생아 건강관리 지원 3. 임신, 출산의료비 지원 4. 임산부 철분제 지원 5. 고용보험 미적용자 출산급여 지급 6. 고위험 임산부 의료비 지원 7. 고위험 산모, 신생아 지원 8. 태아검진시간 지원 9. 임신기 근로시간 단축지원 10. 출산 전후 휴가 11. 배우자 출산 휴가 12. 난임부부 시술비 13. 난임치료 휴가 육아지원정책 1. 산모 및 신생아 건강관리 서비스 2. 어린이 국가예방접종지원 3. 시간제 보육 지원 4. 첫만남 이용권 지급 (200만원 가량의 바우처) 5. 영아수당 지급 6. 아동수당 지급 7. 아이돌봄서비스 지원 8. 공동육아나눔터 지원 9. 보육료/교육비 지원 10. 부부동시 육아휴직 가능 11. 유급 수유시간 지원 12. 육아기 근로시간 단축 지원 13. 육아휴직 지원 14. 아빠 육아휴직 보너스제 15. 유연근무제 지원 16. 근로시간 단축제 17. 가족돌봄휴가 제도 18. 12세 이하 아동 충치치료 건강보험 19. 15세 이하 아동 입원 진료비 본인부담 인하 20. 초등돌봄교실 21. 온종일 돌봄 22. 교육급여제도 정말 다양한 육아지원정책과 임신지원정책이 있습니다. 하지만, 이러한 제도를 모두 이용하기 위해서는 내용을 정확히 알고 그를 잘 활용하는 것이 중요합니다. 총 13개+22개=35개의 제도를 조목조목 알아보는 시간이 필요합니다.  2023년부터 적용되는 육아정책 양육지원 1. 부모급여 도입 2. 기저귀&분유 바우

Information-Estimated Birth Date

Estimated Birth Date Self-calculation Last menstrual day + 280 days The average period from fertilization to childbirth is 266 days. The first moment of pregnancy should be viewed as the date when the egg and sperm meet and fertilize or implant, but since it is not known exactly, it is assumed that fertilization takes place two weeks after the start of menstruation and 280 days after the start of the last period. Calculate the due date. 14 days from the last menstruation start to ovulation, 14 days from the ovulation to the next menstruation cycle is calculated based on the 28-day menstrual cycle. If the menstrual cycle is 25 days, 277 days after 28 days minus 3 days, the person with a 35-day menstruation period is 287 days plus 7 days will be his due date. However, even if you are pregnant normally, the delayed birth without analgesia is 10% of the total pregnancy by two weeks after the scheduled date. Negel formula If you cannot subtract or subtract 3 from your last menstrua

Information-How to check pregnancy

How to check pregnancy Pregnancy Diagnostic Reagent Test When pregnant, hormonal hormones are released into the urine of chorionic gonadotropin (hCG), which is a way to find out if you are pregnant using a specific antibody that binds to this hormone. Because it is so small, it is most accurate to test it in the first urine in the morning, when a relatively large amount is accumulated. Inspection is possible within 7-9 days after correction, with accuracy of 95% or more. However, ectopic pregnancy may not appear to be pregnant. Urine test If you go to the hospital for the first time, the first four weeks after the revision is 100% accurate. Examination after 2 weeks of fertilization can yield 90% accurate results. Blood test This test is done in a hospital and is more accurate than a urine test. Pregnancy is confirmed by the presence of chorionic gonadotropin in the blood.

Information-A sign of pregnancy

A sign of pregnancy In addition to stopping menstruation during pregnancy, various symptoms occur. In particular, check for signs of pregnancy that may help women with irregular periods. Pregnancy Signs Menstruation is delayed more than a week. If your menstrual cycle is regular, you may suspect pregnancy if your menstrual date is more than a week later. This is because sperm and eggs meet and fertilize, and when embryonic cells are implanted on the uterine wall, menstruation stops. However, because of stress, mental shock, endocrine dysfunction, uterine dysfunction or ovarian dysfunction, menstruation may stop even when pregnancy, so check for other signs of pregnancy. Body temperature is high and chilly. Your body temperature is higher than usual and sometimes your body is cold as if you have a cold. If you are pregnant, even if your due date, basal body temperature does not go down, like the ovulation period 36.7 ~ 37.2 mild fever will continue until 13-14 weeks of pregnan

Information-Fetal Growth

Fetal growth Life begins when the egg and sperm combine to form a cell called the fertilized egg. Examine the entire process from fertilized egg to fetus. Fetus at 26-day-old At the end of the first month of pregnancy, the fetus has a rounded head, arched back, and a long tailed vertebrate. The fertilized egg, which was a single cell, split into hundreds of cells in just four weeks, and developed into organized cells with major human strains such as nerves, muscles, blood vessels, and skeleton. At this time, the heart, brain, spinal cord, and sensory organs begin to form and function to some extent. It is still embryonic and small, C-shaped. Fetus at 6 weeks Beginning at 4 weeks, there are visible small spots on the face, and at 6 weeks, the first eyelid is formed, taking the initial form of the retina. You can start the heartbeat and hear the beats by ultrasound, but the two vessels are tubular because they don't have heart shape yet. When the head grows to become second c